Design Contract Build is a small but integrated carpentry, construction and contracting service. It is our aim to make each of our projects a most comfortable and efficient place for our customers to spend time and accomplish tasks. Design Contract Build believes in and realizes the philosophy that the most comfortable places to live, and the most efficient places to work, are designed around the purposes they must serve. Check back at this site regularly as we post pictures or past, ongoing and upcoming projects.

Who We Are

We are a building and renovation and construction contractor specializing in, commercial, institutional, and industrial environments. We have been in operation since 1991.

What We Do

We provide interior and exterior structures, renovations and finishes from floor to ceiling, and basement to roof. We also provide building maintenance to fix everything from cracked foundations to loose door knobs.

When We Do It

We understand that in the commercial world time does not stop. We always endeavour to meet our customers' schedules.  We provide services evenings, weekends, and holidays to meet our customers' needs.

Where We Do It

We operate in Southern Ontario.  We can meet at your institution or place of business at your convenience.

Most importantly, here is WHY we do it.

25 years or experience in construction has told us that there is a constant need, in every community, for a reliable, competent contractor who actually cares about the customer's needs. Our goal is to meet that need.